

Full Year Report 2012 for Kancera AB (publ) January 1 – December 31, 2012

All figures relate to the Kancera Group unless otherwise specified. The 2011 comparison figures for operating income and income after financial items were affected by the release of negative goodwill of SEK 7m that arose in connection with the...

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Interim Report for Kancera AB (publ) Q3 2012

All figures relate to the Kancera Group unless otherwise specified. The 2011 comparison figures for operating income and income after financial items were affected by the release of negative goodwill of SEK 7m that arose in connection with the...

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Interim Report for Kancera AB (publ) Q2 2012

All figures relate to the Kancera Group unless otherwise specified. The 2011 comparison figures for operating income and income after financial items were affected by the release of negative goodwill of SEK 7m that arose in connection with the...

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Interim Report for Kancera AB (publ) Q1 2012

January 1 - March 31, 2012 All figures relate to the Kancera Group unless otherwise specified. The 2011 comparison figures for operating income and income after financial items were affected by the release of negative goodwill of SEK 7m...

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Full Year Report 2011 for Kancera AB (publ)

January 1 - December 31, 2011 All figures relate to the Kancera Group unless otherwise specified. Kancera's acquisition of iNovacia AB was completed on February 17, 2011 and iNovacia AB's operations are therefore included in the financial statements with...

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Interim Report for Kancera AB (publ)

January 1 - September 30, 2011 All figures relate to the Kancera Group unless otherwise specified. Kancera's acquisition of iNovacia AB was completed on February 17, 2011 and iNovacia AB's operations are therefore included in the financial statements with...

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Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting Kancera AB

Aktieägarna i Kancera AB (publ) kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma torsdagen den 10 november 2011 kl. 16.00 på Kilpatrick Townsend Advokatbyrås kontor, Hovslagargatan 5B, 5 tr i Stockholm.

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Interim Report for Kancera AB (publ)

January 1 - June 30, 2011 All figures relate to the Kancera Group unless otherwise specified. Kancera's acquisition of iNovacia AB was completed on February 17, 2011 and iNovacia AB's operations are therefore included in the financial statements with...

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Kancera Implements Rights Issue to Develop the Company´s ROR Technology

Kancera is announcing today that the company has raised SEK 7.6m before issue costs in a rights issue. The capital raised will be used to further develop the company's ROR technology to attack solid tumors.

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Interim Report Q1 2011 for Kancera AB (publ)

January 1 - March 31, 2011 This Interim Report covers the period January 1 - March 31, 2011. As Kancera was established on April 28, 2010, there are no historical comparison figures. All figures relate to the Kancera Group...

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