The Annual General Meeting of Kancera AB
The Annual General Meeting of Kancera AB was held in Stockholm on 26 May, 2011.
Annual Report and discharge from liability
The Company’s Income Statement and Balance Sheet were adopted and the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer were discharged from liability for the shortened financial year 28 April – 31 December, 2010.
Election of Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board and compensation to the Board
Håkan Mellstedt, Bernt Magnusson, Anders Essen-Möller, Thomas Olin and Erik Nerpin were re-elected as members of the Board. Anders Åberg had declined re-election.
Erik Nerpin was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.
The Meeting resolved that directors’ fees of in total SEK 250,000 shall be payable.
Authorization to issue new shares, warrants and convertible debentures
The Meeting resolved to authorize the Board to resolve, at one or more occasions prior to the next Annual General Meeting, to issue new shares with payment in cash, in kind or by set-off and to deviate from the shareholders preferential rights. The purpose with the authorization and the reason for the deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights is to enable fund raising for corporate acquisitions and for the business operations. The total number of shares that may be issued based on the authorization may not exceed 20 per cent of the total number of shares.
Amendments of the Articles of Association
The Meeting resolved to amend the Articles of Association to include new provisions regarding notice of shareholders’ meetings. Notice of shareholders’ meetings shall be published in the Official Swedish Gazette (Post och Inrikes Tidningar) as well as on the Company’s website. At the time of the notice, an announcement with information that the notice has been issued shall be published in Svenska Dagbladet.
Incentive Scheme
The Meeting resolved to implement an incentive scheme to the employees of the group and persons with corresponding positions. The incentive scheme includes the issuance of not more than 400,000 warrants. If all warrants are exercised the dilution of the share capital will amount to approximately 2.9 per cent.
For additional information, contact
Dr. Thomas Olin, CEO, +46-(0)73-520 40 01
Kancera AB (publ)
Lindhagensgatan 133
SE 112 51 Stockholm
Please visit the company’s web site
About Kancera AB (publ)
Kancera develops the basis for new therapeutics, starting with new treatment concepts and ending with a drug candidate. Kancera is currently running two projects, one to develop a treatment for leukemia and one project targeting cancer’s ability to generate energy in order to survive. Kancera also develops cancer models that allow the effect of the candidates to be studied before clinical trials are started. These models and techniques will be offered to third parties in order to further strengthen relations with the established industry and create future cost coverage for our own project development. Kancera’s operations are run at Pharmacia’s former premises at Kungsholmen in Stockholm. Kancera expects to employ around 20 people in 2011. The share is traded at NASDAQ OMX First North. The number of shareholders is approximately 1000. Remium AB is the Certified Advisor to Kancera.